Saturday, December 28, 2013

front access module LED Screen- Front Service LED video Display

Front Service LED video Display
 front access module LED video Screen
doubt that the "front open lid" type is a very good front service led display sign solution. But if the led screen is higher than 2m, it would be very difficult to design the front open lid type, as the "lid" with led modules assembled would be too heavy for the barometric leg to afford.

For example of this installation:
There would be no maintenance service channel behind of the led screen, as the installation would need the led screen surface level up with the glass around of it.
As well, it is very high.

Above is the description of one circumstance. There are also other circumstances, for example if you're going to design a high and double-sided led display screen, and there would be no space between the 2 sides.
For example of this installation:
It doesn't mean that the "front access module" type front service solution is only for the portrait type led display screen.
In fact, there's no restrict with the led screen size. You could build the big size led displays with "front access modules".

front service led
front access modules" are actually combined with the "back door service" or the "front open lid" led cabinets.
The "back door service" solution and the "front open lid" solution are based on the led cabinet design. But the "front access module" solution is based on the led module design.
The common led modules are assembled onto the cabinet from the rear side, but the "front access modules" are assembled on the the cabinet from the front side.

back service led module
front service led module

We will only recommend the "front access modules" solution when:
1. The height of the screen is > 2m.
2. Impossible to leave a room ≥ 80cm, behind of the led display screen.

p6 ph8 ph10mm LED Traffic Display Billboard Sign

p6 ph8 ph10mm LED Traffic Display
p6 ph8 ph10mm LED Traffic Billboard 
p6 ph8 ph10mm LED Traffic Sign

1. The visual requirements of signs set the viewing angle of the LEDs. Signs installed on highways, for example, require bright LEDs with a narrow beam width, but in cities with a requirement for short distance legibility a wide beam width LED is usually required.

2. Outdoor message signs must typically operate for over ten years in a harsh, corrosive, and exposed working environment.  LED traffic sign use new 15 and 30 degree viewing angle lamps. The maximum LED junction temperature limit of +130℃ enables high temperature operation in bright sunlight conditions. The lamp epoxy uses UV inhibitors to reduce the effects of long term exposure to direct sunlight.

3. Applications for LED lamps in road equipment and signage include:Traffic management: Traffic signals, Pedestrian signals, Work zone warning lights,Variable message signs Commercial outdoor advertising: Signs, MarqueesSolar powered signs.

4. The only LED enterprise honored to pass EN12966 in China, LED Traffic Sign have been exported in Belgium, Netherlands,Turkey and other countries and regions.

SMD Outdoor Full Color LED Traffic Sign
Full Color LED Display for Traffic Guidance

For roadway and traffic systems field GTL offers the LED display that includes Dot-Matrix Variable Message Sign, Embedded Variable-message sign, Compound Variable-message sign and PIS Information screen. All these products are up-to-date solutions for difficult interchanges where it is necessary to deliver a wide range of information according to varying times or road situations. Our LED digital boards can display on-line information and warning messages, detour routes and any other graphics.. There are the following color solutions available: amber, red, pure green and full-color with more than 281 trillion colors. Brightness adjusting system of GTL traffic display prevents blinding, provides comfortable viewing of information by those on the road at any time of a day or night, allows up to a 30% energy savings and significantly extends the LEDs lifetime .GTL traffic LED display has been installed on city streets, near transport junctions, at the intersection of key transport and pedestrian flows, in reverse and/or combined traffic areas, on highways, on approaches to railway terminals, airports and bridges, near gas stations, and in parking places all over the world. They make it possible to control transport flows in peak hours, prohibiting or allowing traffic in certain segments, to control parking places, to change speed limits based on weather conditions, to warn of children going to school, etc. The capability for flexible traffic control and prompt message adjustment can considerably raise the level of road traffic safety.

The visual requirements of signs set the viewing angle of the LEDs. Signs installed on highways, for example, require bright LEDs with a narrow beam width, but in cities with a requirement for short distance legibility a wide beam width LED is usually required.

Outdoor LED traffic message signs must typically operate for over ten years in a harsh, corrosive, and exposed working environment. LED traffic sign use new 15 and 30 degree viewing angle lamps. The maximum LED junction temperature limit of +130℃ enables high temperature operation in bright sunlight conditions. The lamp epoxy uses UV inhibitors to reduce the effects of long term exposure to direct sunlight.

Applications  in road equipment and signage include:Traffic management: Traffic signals, Pedestrian signals, Work zone warning lights,Variable message signs Commercial outdoor advertising: Signs, Marquees Solar powered signs.

High contrast level, color depth and uniformity provide vivid image
High brightness makes it possible to be used under direct sunshine
Multiple brightness control method, automatic, manual and program control
Automatic temperature control
Easy and convenient service and maintenance
Stable and reliable design

Detailed solution instruction:
1. The screen’s design with full consideration of outdoor usage, which adopts industrial standard, super high brightness (>7000nit) design, and able to provide precious information for drivers under blurry rainy weather.
2. The utilization of built-in wireless data transmission module helps achieve GPRS/3G long-distance real-time traffic information.
3. Equipping with intelligent control system, which enables automatic road information process and release, brightness control, temperature and humidity adjustment, supervision and warning for circulating condition. This realizes unmanned operation.
4. The built-in lighting protection device prevent our product from being burned due to lighting.
5. The sensitive control system automatically regulates the brightness of the display in accordance with the changes of light, greatly economizing electricity and reducing running cost costs.
6. Our product possesses IP65 protection level, which enables display working for you under rainy days.



  大多数显示行业的人士都认同,最终用户中很少有人能真正了解图像的亮度、色域广度及保真度对显示器的对比度有何种影响,然而以电视作主要消费品的液晶显示(LCD)消费制造商之间,在对比度方面的激烈竞争却丝毫没有减缓。随着与测试变量多变性相关联的测试方法的不同,制造商公布的对比度指标几乎可出现任意数值,然而,对比度实际可变化的空间却是有限的。当前,动态对比度技术指标参数(dynamic- contrast- ratio specifications) 变得越来越普遍,并逐渐为人们所接受。
  不光是消费类显示屏厂商如此,在消费类显示市场销售压力的驱使下,各大LED 显示屏厂商在对比度方面也面临着巨大的竞争压力。户外LED 显示屏产业尤其如此,因为最终用户在选择产品时最先考虑的总是该产品的对比度技术指标,即使他们可能并不完全了解户外显示屏的测试环境和现实观看环境中各个变量的意义。

  1 大尺寸LED显示屏的组成部分
  为了更好地谈论本文的主题,我们很有必要先来了解一下大尺寸LED显示屏的基本单元———LED 模组。通过将模组排布在预制好的框架内,再将这些框架拼装在一起,最后通过协调它们之间的功率消耗和信号,就可以构成任意尺寸和任意分辨率的显示屏。
  例如美国堪萨斯州皇家棒球队的显示屏,宽85 英尺,高105 英尺,由36 个部件共计5,940 个LED 模组组成,分辨率达1,584×1,800 像素,如图1 所示。
位于美国职棒大联盟赛场的高清显示屏由约6,000 个LED 模组构成

LED 模组正表面的机械参数是影响显示屏关态测试的关键影响因素。虽然不同公司的LED 显示屏的设计和制造会有一定的差别,但是大多数公司都投入了大量的精力,从各方面来改善显示屏的“视频-黑场”状态(video- black),如图2 所示。

该LED 模组配备遮阳罩, 常被用来提高户外标识系统的对比度

  在大多数LED 模组中,遮光罩是最后安装的部分,这种被称为“遮光罩”的组件是一种百叶窗式的集合体,它在基本的模组装配完成后才被固定安装上去,这个组件对关态下亮度性能的测量极为重要,遮光罩的名称来自于它能使LED 面板免受阳光照射。
  除了LED 模组的遮阳罩设计之外,遮阳罩表面的纹理结构处理(texturing approach)也会影响最终会有多少环境光被反射到观察者眼中。一般说来,这与加工方法有关,毛糙面与半光滑表面的不同之处在于,它会以漫反射的方式更有效地反射环境光,这就为观众提供了一个更暗的关态,从而提高了显示屏各个视角对比度的均匀性。相比较而言,最后一道处理的抛光涂层,对从光入射角方向观看显得较为黯淡,因此理论上可使制造商提供更高的对比度。但是该涂层在反射角方向上将会产生严重的眩光,这会影响侧边观看(side- angle viewing)的效果。
  实现遮阳罩设计和毛糙面面罩的方法多采用涂层方式(coating approach),很多但并不是全部的LED 显示屏厂商都采用防反射、抗紫外线(UV)的黑漆来处理LED 模组遮阳罩的表面,力图更进一步地减小LED 模组表面对光线的反射。外界环境条件对显示屏的总对比度也会产生重要影响。显示屏长时间使用之后,如果不定期清理就会积累大量灰尘和污垢,超过一定时限之后就会开始影响显示屏的总对比度,使“黑”状态逐渐变成褐色。目前已引入了几种清理灰尘和污垢的方法,其实际效果还有待考证。显示屏制造商和用户所面临的另外一个挑战就是应对紫外线对显示屏前表面的影响,显示屏前表面的抗UV涂层或塑料便有助于最大限度地降低这种影响。

后一点则是,各个LED 管相对于显示屏表面会高出1~3mm,这也会降低显示屏对比度的性能。
  来自于各LED 所反射光线的强度与LED 尺寸及LED 环氧树脂外壳的色彩有一定关系,每个LED 都包含一个用于聚焦光线的反射罩,而这个反射罩也会反射进入LED 内部的各种环境光,因此,每个LED本身都有可能降低显示屏总的对比度。不过,幸运的是LED 制造商已经通过提高功率效率和提高亮度的方法,采用了只要一个红色LED、一个绿色LED 和一个蓝色LED 像素点的优化设计。过去生产的LED 显示屏,针对当时百叶窗的设计及其表面纹理处理的状况,每个像素点必须包含12、8、6 或4 个LED 才能够提供足够强的光强(如图3 所示),而当前LED 技术的不断前进已大大提高了显示屏的对比度。

  最近出现在LED 视频产业界的一种新的运营手段是用所谓的黑LED 封装(black LED package),来提高户外灯型LED 视频显示器的对比度。大多数红绿蓝室外灯型LED 都在环氧树脂封装料中分别添加了更多的红绿蓝染料,以有效改善辨色性和提高显示屏的对比度。所谓“黑封装”LED,简而言之,只是多添加了一些染料予以着色,使它们稍微变暗而并不是发黑。因为添加了更多的着色染料,黑LED 封装确实最大限度地改善了总的显示对比度,但却是以提高功耗和牺牲显示屏亮度为代价的。
图4 中通过对比可以看出标准LED 和黑LED 的区别。

  需要补充说明的是,所有增强对比度的方法不仅要在一批模组生产过程中用统一的方式协调起来,也要将所有模块在合适的时间范围内予以协调。一部分消费群在显示屏使用5~10 年之后将会定期要求对模组进行协调校准。LED 视频显示屏的正常工作寿命一般是75,000~100,000 小时。到使用寿命末期,公司一共需要提供11 年的支持以保障对比度不变,这就需要在每个工程项目一开始就计划好。

2 影响对比度的变数
  了解了户外LED 显示屏的设计及其如何对对比度构成影响,对深入了解那些会影响该类产品对比度测试的变数有较大帮助。如前所述,户外大尺寸LED视频显示屏的对比度极大地依赖于之前所描述过的模组的构造方法,即包括:百叶窗的设计、织构化(texturing)、涂层以及LED 密度
  为了使对比度测试有实际意义并有可重复性,很有必要准备一个完全黑暗的暗室用以排除外界光线的干扰。在对比度测试中,LED 模组、测试仪器和光源是相互作用的三个关键因素。大多数LED 显示屏制造商只会做一个基本的开- 关(on- off) 测试流程,其关态对应即是视频黑场(video black)。而在全行业范围内却没有形成统一的测试技术标准,虽然对某些显示屏技术存在着一些测量对比度的法定标准,例如VESA FPDM(视频电子标准协会平板显示屏测试),但是这对LED 行业却并不完全适用。和平板显示器测量不同,环境光源(太阳)和测量工具(观看者)每一天每一刻都在改变,而驾车或步行的行人每分钟也都在变化,这一点很难在测试中予以重复,也很难在一本产品说明书里解释得清楚。
  还有一点需要注意的是,在测试条件下,相对于较大尺寸的完整LED 显示屏来说,实际只能对单个的模组或是一些模组的集合来进行测试。
  目前显示屏制造商公布的说明书中,所采用的环境光亮度范围是40~50,000 lux
  也可以通过调节光源相对于显示屏模组的角度来提高对比度的测试结果。如前所述,LED 模组会有水平的百叶窗,即遮阳罩,分布在每排LED 或每排像素点之间,增大光源相对于LED 的角度就可以在模组表面创造出更大的阴影面积,从而最终可以改良显示屏的黑场状态。
  这三个基本的可变因素———光源强度、光源角度和测试仪器的角度———共同决定了最终公布的LED显示屏对比度。除非不同显示屏的测试被统一起来,不然在不同产品的测试结果之间作比较是不太恰当的。因此,显示屏制造商出版的对比度说明书并没有太大的实际意义(如图5 所示)。

  3 结论
  LED 显示屏制造商将会继续发布对比度的参数,以便更好地吸引消费者的注意力,这也是市场的现实环境使然。然而,工业界有责任和义务对消费者就有关几个变量进行必要的“教育”,随着对比度参数值攀升得越来越高,对客户的教育也会变得越来越困难。就目前的LED 显示市场而言,我们会看到户外显示屏对比度的参数指标将要达到100,000:1,在不久的将来还会达到更高,但是将来这么高的数值可能仍然没有太大的实际意义。

SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

SMD outdoor LED video display global supplier If you need a LED screen quote, please answer carefully the questions below so we can propose you the correct specifications to generate the quote for any LED screen for you isntantly. 1.Your contact details Name: company: email address: telephone number: Nextel: address: 2.Your led screen information in the application: - Type of LED screen Displays for text, images or video installation type : indoor or outdoor With various colors or Monochrome - minimum viewing distance - Approximate size led screen width led screen height - Type of communication preferred type of control system simple control system/ advance live video controller control distance wireless controller( internet/wifi)/ less than 100 meter/less than 400 meters/over 400 meters - Function or intended purpose rental or fixed outdoor advertising Best regards, Sally Peng Oversea Sales Manager Cell: 0086 18898792143 Gmail: Skype/Wechat: sallypwp