Monday, January 6, 2014

LED Großanzeigen PH10/8/6 LED obrazovka 6/8/10mm

LED Großanzeigen PH10/8/6MM

Ein Indoor-LED-Großanzeigen mit besonders kleinem Pixel Pitch von 10 mm. Die hohe Auflösung dieses Displays bietet ein detailliertes Farbbild mit minimaler Ablesedistanz von 5 Meter. Seine hohe Helligkeit der LED-Dioden sowie die Struktur der Abschirmungen, die Außenlichtquellen von der Bildschirmfläche fernhalten, kann kaum eine Konkurrenz bei anderen Bildtechnologien finden.


Standort: indoo
Ablesedistanz: min. 5 m
Anwendung: veranstaltungen / sport / werbung

LED obrazovka 6/8/10mm

Detailní interiérová LED obrazovka s roztečí LED 10 mm. Vysoké rozlišení obrazovky poskytuje detailní barevný vykreslený obraz s minimální pozorovací vzdáleností 5 metrů. Vysoká intenzita svitu světelných LED a struktura stínítek odlučujících okolní zdroje světla od plochy obrazovky nenajde konkurenci v jiných obrazových technologiích.

Podmínky použití

umístění: interiér
sledovací vzdálenost: min. 5 m
použití: akce / sport / reklama

indoor LED display with a LEDs pitch of 10 mm. The high resolution of the display provides a detailed colour image at a minimum observation distance of 5 metres. The high brightness of LEDs and the structure of shields separating ambient light sources from the display area can hardly find any competitor in other image technologies.

Conditions of use

location: indoor
viewing distance: min. 5 m
use: performances / sports / advertisement

Technical parametres

Table of technical parameters
physical pixel pitch:10 mm
average consumption 1 m²:915 W
maximum consumption 1 m²:3200 W
weight without frame 1 m:43 kg
dimension of base block:48 × 48 cm
frame frequency:400 fps
colour depth:236 (~68 billion colours)
protection rating:IP 43
operating temperature:-30°C to +45°C
service life:>70 000 hours

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SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

SMD outdoor LED video display global supplier If you need a LED screen quote, please answer carefully the questions below so we can propose you the correct specifications to generate the quote for any LED screen for you isntantly. 1.Your contact details Name: company: email address: telephone number: Nextel: address: 2.Your led screen information in the application: - Type of LED screen Displays for text, images or video installation type : indoor or outdoor With various colors or Monochrome - minimum viewing distance - Approximate size led screen width led screen height - Type of communication preferred type of control system simple control system/ advance live video controller control distance wireless controller( internet/wifi)/ less than 100 meter/less than 400 meters/over 400 meters - Function or intended purpose rental or fixed outdoor advertising Best regards, Sally Peng Oversea Sales Manager Cell: 0086 18898792143 Gmail: Skype/Wechat: sallypwp