How to Choose a Led Screen
Every Maxi Led Screen application is different, so it is important to choose the right product.
Below is a list of questions that should be asked when considering a led screen. These questions are intended to yield answers that will allow the right screen to be chosen for each application.
Below is a list of questions that should be asked when considering a led screen. These questions are intended to yield answers that will allow the right screen to be chosen for each application.
Indoor or outdoor application?
LED Screens are specifically designed for indoor or outdoor use. There are two main factors that differentiate an indoor screen from an outdoor led screen. The first is weather durability . Outdoor screens are designed to function properly in extreme weather conditions while indoor screens are not built to the same environmental standards.
The second consideration is screen intensity. LEDs used for indoor applications are not bright enough to compete with outdoor ambient light conditions. Outdoor Led screens use LEDs that are designed to be bright enough for outdoor environment.
LED Screens are specifically designed for indoor or outdoor use. There are two main factors that differentiate an indoor screen from an outdoor led screen. The first is weather durability . Outdoor screens are designed to function properly in extreme weather conditions while indoor screens are not built to the same environmental standards.
The second consideration is screen intensity. LEDs used for indoor applications are not bright enough to compete with outdoor ambient light conditions. Outdoor Led screens use LEDs that are designed to be bright enough for outdoor environment.
Where will the Led screen be mounted in reference to the intended viewing audience?
The exact placement of a Led Screens in reference to the viewing audience is an important factor in determining the right product for an application. There are two points to consider when choosing a Led screen based on where it will be installed. First, the placement of the led Screen will affect the minimum and maximum viewing distance. Secondly, the angle at which the Indoor Led screen can be effectively viewed must be considered. This is typically referred to as the viewing angle. Often, different Led screens have different viewing angles. It is important to make sure that the intended viewing audience is within the viewing cone of the screen.
The exact placement of a Led Screens in reference to the viewing audience is an important factor in determining the right product for an application. There are two points to consider when choosing a Led screen based on where it will be installed. First, the placement of the led Screen will affect the minimum and maximum viewing distance. Secondly, the angle at which the Indoor Led screen can be effectively viewed must be considered. This is typically referred to as the viewing angle. Often, different Led screens have different viewing angles. It is important to make sure that the intended viewing audience is within the viewing cone of the screen.
Who is the intended audience and what are their minimum and maximum viewing distances?
Different types of audiences require different Indoor Led Screens sizes and technologies. First, let's define some possible audience types: Freeway Traffic (60-75 mph) · Highway Traffic (45-60 mph) · City Traffic (25-45 mph) · Pedestrian Traffic (on foot)
Different types of audiences require different Indoor Led Screens sizes and technologies. First, let's define some possible audience types: Freeway Traffic (60-75 mph) · Highway Traffic (45-60 mph) · City Traffic (25-45 mph) · Pedestrian Traffic (on foot)
In order to comprehend a message on an electronic Led Screen, one must have sufficient time to read the message. The concept of Screening size-appropriate images and text on an electronic Screen is easy to understand when Megamum and minimum viewing distances and the speed at which the audience is traveling (in a vehicle or on foot) are considered.
Imagine trying to read a message formed with 6 inch letters on a sign while traveling at 70 mph on a freeway. It would be very difficult. In a freeway traffic scenario, one may only have a few seconds to read that message. It is ideal to strive to achieve a minimum of 12 seconds of readable exposure time for any electronic message Screen. The larger the image or character size, the farther away it can be read, which gives the audience additional time read it as they approach the Screen. A 24-inch character is most appropriate for longer viewing distances up to 1,200 feet (365m).
Consider a traffic application in a city. In this case, a much slower traveling audience and a much shorter Maximum viewing distance would be common. It is important to not only consider the Maximum viewing distance, but the minimum viewing distance as well. In this scenario, the public needs to be able to understand the messages being displayed right up until they are nearly parallel to the sign. For example: If one were to install a Led Screen in a city traffic scenario that is only capable of showing a 24-inch character, the viewing audience would find this message very difficult to read when close to the Screen. In this situation, a Screen with a 6-inch to 10-inch character would be the best solution.
What type of content will be on the Maxi Led Screen?
Understanding the communication wants and need of the screen owner is a very important factor in determining the right product for a specific application. Ask questions like: Is color wanted in my messages? Will the Led Screen show graphics as well as text? Will the Screen need to show video images? How many lines of copy will need to be Screened at one time? What type of messages will be communicated to the intended audience? The answers to questions like these will help lead to the right technology.
Understanding the communication wants and need of the screen owner is a very important factor in determining the right product for a specific application. Ask questions like: Is color wanted in my messages? Will the Led Screen show graphics as well as text? Will the Screen need to show video images? How many lines of copy will need to be Screened at one time? What type of messages will be communicated to the intended audience? The answers to questions like these will help lead to the right technology.
Viewing Distance
Viewing distance is one of the most important factors needed to determine the correct size of most Indoor Led Screen.
As a general rule: 1 inch of text is viewable up to 50 feet away 1 or 25mm of text is viewable up to 15m away . The following diagram illustrates at what distance and character size that a stationary audience will recognize and understand the content of an electronic sign.
Viewing distance is one of the most important factors needed to determine the correct size of most Indoor Led Screen.
As a general rule: 1 inch of text is viewable up to 50 feet away 1 or 25mm of text is viewable up to 15m away . The following diagram illustrates at what distance and character size that a stationary audience will recognize and understand the content of an electronic sign.
However, if the target audience is moving, then another factor, time, is required. Based on our experience and research, an average of at least three to four seconds is required for a moving audience to adequately recognize and comprehend six to eight grouping of content on an electronic sign 2 . The following chart lists shows the maximum time an audience will have to view a Led Screen sign with specific characters size. For example, an audience will have three seconds or less to view Led Screen signs with four inches of text. If the Led Screen signs have too much content, than the reader will not have sufficient time to comprehend the entire content.
As a summary:
2 inch text works well in most foot traffic areas, such as for indoor applications.
4 to 6 inch text is ideal for 45mph or under traffic, such as outdoor church and school applications.
8 inch text or larger works is suited for most outdoor applications where traffic is 60mph or slower.
As a summary:
2 inch text works well in most foot traffic areas, such as for indoor applications.
4 to 6 inch text is ideal for 45mph or under traffic, such as outdoor church and school applications.
8 inch text or larger works is suited for most outdoor applications where traffic is 60mph or slower.
LEDs emit light allowing the content to be visible further away than the same content on standard reflective surfaces.
Other factors, such as content size, traffic, distractions, weather, lighting conditions, etc. will affect the time required.
The values listed in the chart does not take into consideration the minimum required visibility distance (MRVD).
The information provided should not be taken as the definitive source on electronic sign visibility and viewing distance.
LEDs emit light allowing the content to be visible further away than the same content on standard reflective surfaces.
Other factors, such as content size, traffic, distractions, weather, lighting conditions, etc. will affect the time required.
The values listed in the chart does not take into consideration the minimum required visibility distance (MRVD).
The information provided should not be taken as the definitive source on electronic sign visibility and viewing distance.
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