P10mm RGB outdoor led displays
are widely used for the large sizes displays which have long viewing distance. With its competitive prices, It is considered to be the first choice for the large size and long viewing distance projects.
1. High ingress protection: IP65.
2. Power supply connector with unique structure guarantees stability of power supply.
3. All the interfaces of the cabinet are waterproof.
4. The cabinet size and design can be customized.
5. Aluminum and Iron material can be chosen.
2. Power supply connector with unique structure guarantees stability of power supply.
3. All the interfaces of the cabinet are waterproof.
4. The cabinet size and design can be customized.
5. Aluminum and Iron material can be chosen.
LED Digital Billboards have been getting a lot of attention in the outdoor industry. With the characteristic advantage of high brightness, high luminous efficiency, big viewing angle, long viewing distance, vivid clear color, low power consumption, good stability, long lifetime, integrating modular design to create a flexible size, LED Digital Billboards is now replacing more and more traditional billboards. More and more investors take the good opportunity to benefit from selling media space on the digital billboards to advertisers.
Aside from the benefits to advertisers and billboard operators, law enforcement and community groups are also benefiting from the flexibility and power of digital outdoor. LED Digital Billboards operators have made space available to announce everything from community events such as concerts and council meetings to public safety notices such as Amber Alerts and severe weather warnings.
Aside from the benefits to advertisers and billboard operators, law enforcement and community groups are also benefiting from the flexibility and power of digital outdoor. LED Digital Billboards operators have made space available to announce everything from community events such as concerts and council meetings to public safety notices such as Amber Alerts and severe weather warnings.
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