Monday, December 30, 2013

LED display characteristics and application

LED display characteristics and application

The semiconductor light emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor display device can emit light when a forward current in a semiconductor PN junction pass. The use of a compound semiconductor (III - V compound semiconductors) is the electron releasing electrons from high energy level to a low energy level and hole recombination, and energy (energy level difference) of different sizes, and generates light frequency and wavelength are different principles directly issued by the human eye can see red, orange, yellow, green, blue and other colors of visible and near-infrared to visible light.  Xingji lighting  LED display with its bright colors eye-catching display large amount of information, long life, low power consumption, light weight, space small size, high stability, easy to operate and so plays an increasingly important role in the socio-economic development .
At present, the LED display applications involve many areas of socio-economic, including
(1) securities trading, financial information display.
This area is the main demand of the LED display industry. Shanghai Stock Exchange, Shenzhen Stock Exchange and the country tens of thousands of securities and financial business institutions widely used   LED lighting   display.
(2) airport flight information display.
Capital Airport, Shanghai Pudong International Airport, Haikou Meilan Airport, Zhuhai Airport, Xiamen Airport, Shenzhen Huangtian Airport, Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport and the dozens of new and expanded domestic airports are equipped with LED display products.
(3) ports, railway stations, passenger information display guide.
Beijing Railway Station, Beijing West Railway Station, Nam Cheong Station, Dalian Port and other major domestic manufacturers of products and systems are installed in railway stations and ports.
Other areas include the the stadium information display; road traffic information display; dispatch center information display; postal services, telecommunications, shopping malls and other areas of business services, publicity and information; advertising media, new products, and so on. As LED technology continues to progress, the new light-emitting tube is gradually expand the application of LED display market.
LED display industry in China is beginning to take shape
LED display very rapid pace of development in China, the domestic  LED production  display manufacturer for more than 100, in recent years many of the original domestic production of light-emitting diode semiconductor manufacturers continue to join to the LED display production ranks, resulting in LED display The scale of production grow rapidly. 2001 LED total sales of over 10 million yuan, 28, accounting for more than 80% of the total market in the industry.
Development of LED industry in recent years has also led to the development of the surrounding support industry, in addition to the LED chip, the main raw materials, parts, equipment required, are available in the country, many domestic universities, research institutes in the light-emitting materials, new structures, new devices, new applications done a lot of research work, has achieved a lot. In 1998, China completed a research and development, technological transformation of more than 250, some of the results reached the international advanced level. The development of the industry is gradually standardized. Prior to 1995, the production of LED display industry norms. Enacted 1996 "LED display universal norms" in January 1998 as the electronics industry standards promulgated began to regulate the LED display industry standardization. In early 1998, the Chinese Optical Society of optoelectronic devices branch to strengthen the management and operations of the LED display industry, actively guide and standardize the development of the industry, optoelectronic devices and LED display technology and testing standards communication and coordination work, currently on the standard system and the establishment of standards organized forces to carry out the work. With the implementation of the standard system formation and series of standards, the LED display industry in the healthy and orderly development.

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SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

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