Monday, December 30, 2013



舞台背景超大屏LED窗帘屏优势: LED窗帘屏主要用于对显示要求不是很高,低亮度环境使用,要求有透光性,显示像素点距较大,有一定的装饰效果的超大屏显示场合使用,它是居于普通常规LED显示屏和灯光亮化之间的一种LED显示应用产品。

 1.         可任意组合各种形状,安装方便,不影响原有物体外观及结构;多个模级可组成全彩显示墙; 
2.         可替代数码管做线性光源使用,由连接点光源灯光效果更不同一般;
 3.         窗帘显示屏组装套件采用专业型铝,可横向、竖向、斜向拼装,显示单元之间采用防水接头连接;
4.         专业设计精心打造的全密封防水结构,防护等级达到IP67,能适应室内外各种温湿度环境,工作环境温度范围可达20~80摄氏度,可淋雨工作;
 5.         其显示单元为条状,可拼装成内弧显示面形,外弧显示面形,内圆显示面形,S显示面型,球状形等多种异形屏,有普通常规显示屏无法实现的显示效果; 
6.         窗帘显示屏具有重量轻、抗风性能好、安装方便、散热性能好、前后维护方便、防水性能好、抗震性能好、辅助安装框架成本低、无风扇、静音等优点。

舞台背景超大屏LED窗帘屏功能: 窗帘LED显示屏作为舞台表演的一种延伸和补充,丰富了演出内容,同时也为现场观众提供了表演本身之外的信息,还可以通过现场同步视频图像看到自己的反应,使观众有了参与感,拉近了观众与表演的距离,活跃了演出气氛,使观众感受到一种新鲜的舞台演出氛围,它给观众带来新的审美享受,也形成了新的审美期待和审美联想

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SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

SMD outdoor LED video display global supplier If you need a LED screen quote, please answer carefully the questions below so we can propose you the correct specifications to generate the quote for any LED screen for you isntantly. 1.Your contact details Name: company: email address: telephone number: Nextel: address: 2.Your led screen information in the application: - Type of LED screen Displays for text, images or video installation type : indoor or outdoor With various colors or Monochrome - minimum viewing distance - Approximate size led screen width led screen height - Type of communication preferred type of control system simple control system/ advance live video controller control distance wireless controller( internet/wifi)/ less than 100 meter/less than 400 meters/over 400 meters - Function or intended purpose rental or fixed outdoor advertising Best regards, Sally Peng Oversea Sales Manager Cell: 0086 18898792143 Gmail: Skype/Wechat: sallypwp