Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Box body structure of integral display module for surface-mounted LED outdoor display screen

Box body structure of integral display module for surface-mounted LED outdoor display screen
CN 201904981 U

The utility model discloses a box body structure of an integral display module for a surface-mounted LED outdoor display screen, which comprises SMDs (surface mounted devices), a PCB (printed circuit board) and a box body, wherein the SMDs are welded on the PCB and arranged outside the box body. The box body structure is characterized in that the box body comprises an aluminum box body radiating structural part, an aluminum face shield and an aluminum box body rear cover plate; the PCB on which the SMDs are welded is arranged between the aluminum face shield and the aluminum box body radiating structural part and is stuck and fixed on the aluminum box body radiating structural part; the aluminum box body radiating structural part is connected with the aluminum face shield and the aluminum box body rear cover plate respectively; radiating fins corresponding to the SMDs and arranged at bulges at the joints are arranged on the aluminum box body radiating structural part; and the PCB on which the SMDs are welded is stuck and fixed on the radiating fins with a cured glue layer. The box body serves as both the radiator and the bearing and spatial separation structural part, has a better radiating effect, is more reliable and more stable in running of photoelectric parameters and reduces energy consumption and environmental pollution.
Currently, there are plug-in (LAMP) LED outdoor display and surface mount (SMD) LED outdoor screen display module and cabinet structure is basically as follows: display module as plastic molding; Case for the sheet metal cabinet. Both the waterproof apron assembled by fastening screws for the display cabinet, and then assembled into the display.
Existing Outdoor SMD display the basic use of plug-in display plastic shell and sheet metal enclosures as SMD LED tube thickness far thinner than plug-in LED (SMD approximately 2. 5mm; LAMP about 7mm), so that bring waterproof SMD outdoor screen cooling and difficult issues, so that the existing SMD outdoor screen appears blind spot rate, optical parameters unstable operation and other defects. Meanwhile, SMD outdoor screen in high density as the main product development direction, but because of the existing plastic shell and sheet metal machining error box widespread in 0. 5mm or more, seriously restricting screen density and accuracy, so difficult to significantly improve the quality of LED screens . The deficiencies of the prior art for improvement.
目前,已有插件式(LAMP) LED户外显示屏和表面贴装式(SMD) LED户外显示屏的显 示模组和箱体结构基本上为:显示模组为塑胶件成型;箱体为板金箱体。二者由防水胶圈 经紧固螺丝组装为显示箱体,进而组装为显示屏。
现有的户外SMD显示屏基本采用插件式显示屏的胶壳和板金箱体,由于SMD发光 管厚度远薄于插件式发光管(SMD2. 5mm LAMP7mm),这样就带来SMD户外屏幕散热和 防水困难问题,以至于现有的SMD户外屏幕出现盲点率高、光电参数运行不稳定等缺陷。同 时,SMD户外屏以高密度为主要产品发展方向,但由于,现有的胶壳和板金箱体加工误差普 遍在0. 5mm以上,严重制约屏幕密度及精度,使LED屏幕品质难以大幅度提升。所述现有技 术的缺陷值得改进。
This utility model aims to address the above technical defects, provide a surface mount LED outdoor display screen integrated display module box structure, the surface-mount LED outdoor display cabinet integrated display module structure will make SMD outdoor screen in high-density, thin, waterproof, heat and other aspects were improved optical parameters also can be improved.

 本实用新型的目的在于针对上述技术缺陷,提供一种表面贴装式LED户外显示屏 一体式显示模组箱体结构,该表面贴装式LED户外显示屏一体式显示模组箱体结构将使得 SMD户外屏在高密度、轻薄型、防水、散热等方面均得到改善,光电参数亦得以提升。
The technical solution of the utility model are as follows: a surface-mount LED outdoor display screen integrated display module box structure, including SMD, PCB board, box, SMD soldered on PCB and located in outside the box, characterized in that: said housing comprises aluminum case cooling structure, aluminum mask, the aluminum casing rear cover, said welded SMD PCB board located in the aluminum mask and aluminum heat sink structure of the tank aluminum casing and cement in between the heat sink structure, the structure of the aluminum heat sink cabinet with aluminum mask, aluminum cabinet rear cover connection.
 本实用新型的技术方案如下所述:一种表面贴装式LED户外显示屏一体式显示模 组箱体结构,包括SMDPCB板、箱体,SMD焊接在PCB板上并设于箱体外,其特征在于:所 述箱体包括铝箱体散热结构件、铝面罩、铝箱体后盖板,所述焊接有SMDPCB板设于铝面 罩和铝箱体散热结构件之间并粘固在铝箱体散热结构件上,所述铝箱体散热结构件与铝面 罩、铝箱体后盖板连接。
 According to the above structure of the utility model, and its beneficial effects in that: The utility model soldered SMD PCB board with aluminum box set for the integration of the whole cabinet, display board for each interval only SMD PCB board cooling fins and the box is connected to the radiator tank and a bearing that is, spatial separation structure, to ensure that each of the heat generated only SMD thermal shortest path, the minimum conduction time and circulated out resistance; with full aluminum mold manufacturing structural parts, completely out of plastic parts, sheet metal cabinet for assembly precision limitations assembly precision from the original 0. 5-lmm errors, reduced to 0. Imm, the accuracy improved to make SMD outdoor screen in high-density, thin, waterproof, heat and other aspects of improvement, so that the original SMD air convection cooling by the heat conduction into aluminum metal, from the structure to ensure the SMD outdoor display optical parameters stable and reliable operation, while abolition of steel consumption and plastic parts, reducing the screen body structure steel weight, reduce material consumption and environmental pollution.
根据上述结构的本实用新型,其有益效果在于:本实用新型焊接有SMDPCB 与铝质箱体组为一体化的箱体整体,显示板上的每一只SMD间隔PCB板与箱体散热翅片相 连,箱体即是散热器又是承重、空间分隔结构件,确保每一只SMD所产生的热量以最短的导 热路径、最小的热阻及时传导并散发出去;采用全铝模具制造结构件,彻底摆脱塑胶件、板 金箱体对装配精度的限制,装配精度由原来0. 5-lmm的误差,缩小到0. Imm内,精度的提升 使SMD户外屏在高密度、轻薄型、防水、散热等方面得到改善,使原来SMD散热由空气对流变 为铝金属传导散热,从结构上保证了 SMD户外显示屏光电参数可靠稳定的运行,同时取消 了钢材消耗和塑胶件,减少了屏体结构件钢结构重量,降低了材料消耗和环境污染。

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SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

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