CN 202085417 U
1. 一种LED显示屏箱体结构,包括LED显示模组,其特征在于:所述LED显示模组(1) 背部设有固定边脚O),所述相邻两LED显示模组(1)经固定边脚(¾与呈纵向装配的紧固连结件C3)紧固连接,所述紧固连结件C3)呈纵向且与呈横向装配的连接件(11)连接,所述连接件(11)与箱体本体边壁(¾连接,所述箱体本体边壁(5)、紧固连结件C3)与上、下盖板(4)连接为整体,所述LED显示屏箱体结构还包括箱体门(8),所述箱体门(8) —侧边与箱体本体边壁(¾ 一侧边铰接,另一侧边与箱体本体边壁(¾另一侧边扣接。
2.根据权利要求1所述的LED显示屏箱体结构,其特征还在于:所述显示固定边脚(2) 成“L”形,所述紧固连结件(3)为“U”形,所述相邻两LED显示模组⑴经其“L”形固定边脚⑵的端面与“U”形紧固连结件(3)的外端面相连接。
3.根据权利要求1或2所述的LED显示屏箱体结构,其特征还在于:所述固定边脚(2) 与紧固连结件(3)经螺栓(10)紧固连结。
5.根据权利要求1所述的LED显示屏箱体结构,其特征还在于:所述箱体门(8) —侧边与箱体本体边壁(5)的一侧边经合页(9)铰接,另一侧边上设有箱体锁(6)并与箱体本体边壁(¾另一侧边经箱体锁(6)锁固。
【技术领域】 [0001] 本实用新型涉及LED显示屏技术领域,更具体地说,涉及一种LED显示屏箱体。 【背景技术】 [0002] 目前,现有的LED显示屏箱体,四面与相邻的箱体紧密接触无散热空间,且正面被显示模组加热,显示屏只能依靠箱体背部的箱体门加装风扇或散热板来散热,这种散热方式对于确保户外高温环境下LED显示屏安全运行以及长寿命是远远不够的,且风扇耗电大、寿命短。同时也给显示屏的稳定运行带来能耗的增加和故障隐患; [0003] 现有的LED显示屏箱体防水主要靠箱体门压紧与箱体壁之间设置的密封胶条来达到防水的效果,但是密封胶条在长期高温环境使用中会出现老化现象,而且箱体门也会出现变形的情况,这些都将影响防水效果,使得防水效果变差。 [0004] 随着LED显示屏应用像素密度的提高,消耗功率加大,产热量加大,现有LED显示屏箱体结构难以满足更高的显示屏品质需要,散热及防水需进一步提升。所述现有技术的缺陷值得改进。 【实用新型内容】 [0005] 本实用新型的目的在于针对上述技术缺陷,提供一种LED显示屏箱体结构,该LED 显示屏箱体结构实现了六个面全部具有散热空间,不仅增加了散热表面积,同时加大了热对流效果,且水流无法进入箱体内部,防水效果更好。 [0006] 本实用新型的技术方案如下所述:一种LED显示屏箱体结构,包括LED显示模组, 其特征在于,所述LED显示模组背部设有固定边脚,所述相邻两LED显示模组经固定边脚与呈纵向装配的紧固连结件紧固连接,所述紧固连结件呈纵向且与呈横向装配的连接件连接,所述连接件与箱体本体边壁连接,所述箱体本体边壁、紧固连结件与上、下盖板连接为整体,所述LED显示屏箱体结构还包括箱体门,所述箱体门一侧边与箱体本体边壁一侧边铰接,另一侧边与箱体本体边壁另一侧边扣接。 [0007] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其特征还在于,所述显示固定边脚成“L”形,所述紧固连结件为“U”形,所述相邻两LED显示模组经其“L”形固定边脚的端面与“U”形紧固连结件的外端面相连接。 [0008] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其特征还在于,所述固定边脚与紧固连结件经螺栓紧固连结。 [0009] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其特征还在于,所述呈横向装配的连接件成“U”形, 其端面与呈纵向装配的“U”形紧固件的侧边焊接成整体。 [0010] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其特征还在于,所述箱体门一侧边与箱体本体边壁的一侧边经合页铰接,另一侧边上设有箱体锁并与箱体本体边壁另一侧边经箱体锁锁固。 [0011] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其特征还在于,所述箱体门的周边成“U”形,所述箱体本体边壁与箱体门相结合处的周边成“U”形,所述“U”形箱体门周边分别与“U”形箱体本体边壁周边组合成阻水层面和矩形导水槽。 [0012] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其特征还在于,所述箱体门内还设有功率电源。 [0013] 根据上述结构的本实用新型,其有益效果在于,本实用新型实现了六个面全部具有散热空间,不仅增加了散热表面积,同时又利用热气流上升在“U”形结构件内产生的“烟囱”效应,加大了热对流;本实用新型依靠防水槽结构先阻水后疏导水流,使水流无法进入箱体内部,使得防水效果更好,本实用新型结构简单,使用方便。 【附图说明】 [0014] 图1为本实用新型结构示意图。 [0015] 在图中,1、LED显示模组;2、固定边脚;3、紧固连结件;4、上、下盖板;5、箱体本体边壁;6、箱体锁;7、功率电源;8、箱体门;9、合页;10、螺栓;11、连接件。 【具体实施方式】 [0016] 下面结合附图以及实施方式对本实用新型进行进一步的描述: [0017] 如图1所示,一种LED显示屏箱体结构,包括LED显示模组1,其特征在于,所述LED 显示模组1背部设有固定边脚2,所述固定边脚2为“L”形结构,所述紧固连结件3为“U” 形结构呈纵向装配,所述相邻两LED显示模组1经其“L”形固定边脚2的端面与“U”形紧固连结件3的外端面连接,所述固定边脚2与紧固连结件3经螺栓10连接。所述连接件11 为“U”形结构呈横向装配,其端面与呈纵向装配的“U”形紧固连结件3的侧边焊接成整体。 所述连接件11与箱体本体边壁5连接,所述箱体本体边壁5、紧固连结件3与上、下盖板4 连接为整体。本实用新型还包括箱体门8,所述箱体门8 一侧边与箱体本体边壁5 —侧边经合页9铰接,另一侧边上设有箱体锁6并与箱体本体边壁5另一侧边经箱体锁6扣接,实现箱体门8在箱体上的开、闭。所述箱体门8的周边成“U”形,所述箱体本体边壁5与箱体门8周边相连结成“U”形,所述“U”形箱体门周边分别与“U”形箱体本体边壁周边组合成阻水层和矩形导水槽,导水槽深度、宽度远大于箱体门周边“U”形结构与箱体本体边壁周边 “U”形结构压紧后形成的阻水层间隙,且导水槽周边连通,经由箱体后部的水流经阻水层后变小,水进入导水槽后能够完全自动排出,达到防水效果。所述箱体门8内还设有功率电源 7,箱体门8为功率电源7散热板。 [0018] 本实用新型纵向“U”形紧固连接件3在支撑紧固LED显示模组1的同时,与LED 显示模组1 “L”形固定边脚2的相互装配后形成LED显示模组1周边与箱体本体有通风空间,达到通风散热的效果。同时由于“L”形固定边脚2与纵向“U”形紧固连结件3形成上下连通的管状通道,使之LED显示模组1产生的热气流在管道内流动上升产生“烟效应带走热量,进而减少由于LED显示模组1产生的热量对箱体内部空间的加热作用,形成了 LED 显示模组1与箱体内部为两个温度区间,由于箱体上、下盖板4的设置,且上、下盖板4周边有“L”形折边在箱体上部形成水槽使自上面落入箱体顶部的水流由水槽收集后通过“U”形紧固连结件3形成的管道排入箱体下方,保证箱体上部水流通畅并有规则排放。箱体本体边壁5与相邻箱体之间由于有空间距离,在两箱体边壁间形成空气流通通道,进一步散发箱体侧壁热量,降低箱体温度,且使两相邻箱体温度相互影响降低。箱体门8上面有功率电源7,功率电源7产生的热量由具有散热功能的箱体门8直接与空气交流散热。由于上、下盖板4与上、下相邻箱体也有空间距离,箱体上、下两个面同样具备通风散热能力。 [0019] 如图1所示,本实施例为像素间距为IOmm(PlO)的4X4模组箱体,本实用新型同样可施用于P6、P8、P12、P16、P20显示屏箱体,且模组排列可为任意阵列结构。 [0020] 虽然本实用新型参照上述的实施例来描述,但是本技术领域中的普通技术人员完全能够很清楚的认识到以上的实施例仅是用于说明本实用新型,其中可作各种变化和修改而在广义上并没有脱离本实用新型,所以并非作为对本实用新型的限定,只要在本实用新型的实质精神范围内,对以上所述的实施例的变化、变形都将落入本实用新型要求的保护范围之内。
Led display cabinet structure
CN 202085417 U
摘要 翻译自中文
The utility model discloses an LED display cabinet structure, including the LED display module, the LED display modules with fixed side leg back, the fixed side leg into "L" shape, said housing fastening Link member is "U" shape, the fastening of the fixed side leg link member links connect the fastening member and the case body side walls connected to side walls of said case body and the upper and lower plate connected to the overall , also includes cabinet doors, cabinet doors one side of the case body with hinged side walls one side, the other side and the other side of the case body side wall fastening, the perimeter of the cabinet door a "U" shape, side walls of the case body around a "U" shape. The utility model to achieve the six faces all have space for heat dissipation, not only increases the cooling surface area and increase the thermal convection; utility model relies on the structure of the first water tank to divert the flow direction after blocking water so the water can not enter inside the box, making waterproof and heat better, and the structure is simple, easy to use.
权利要求(7) 翻译自中文
1 An LED display cabinet structure, including the LED display module, wherein: said LED display module (1) with fixed side leg back O), wherein two adjacent LED display module (a ) were fixed side leg (¾ longitudinally with the fastening assembly coupling member C3) fastening said fastening connecting member C3) are vertically and transversely with a connector assembly (11) connected to said connecting member ( 11) and the case body side walls (¾ connected to side walls of said case body (5), the fastening connecting member C3) and the upper and lower cover plate (4) connected as a whole, the structure of the LED display cabinet further comprises a box door (8), said housing door (8) - the main body side and the housing side walls (¾ one side hinged to the other side and the case body side walls (¾ other side of the buckle pick.
(2) as claimed in claim 1, wherein the structure of the LED display cabinet, characterized in that: said display a fixed side leg (2) into the "L" shape, said fastening connection member (3) is "U" shape , the adjacent two LED display module ⑴ through which "L" shaped end surface of the fixed side leg ⑵ with "U" shaped fastening link member (3) connected to the outer end face.
3 according to claim 1 or 2, wherein said LED display box structure, characterized in that: said fixed side leg (2) linked with the fastening member (3) by bolts (10) fastening link.
As claimed in claim 1, wherein the structure of the LED display cabinet, characterized in that: said connecting member transversely to the assembly (11) into a "U" shape, which end with the "U" shaped fastener coupling elements ( 3) into a whole side of the welding.
5 according to claim 1, wherein the structure of the LED display cabinet, characterized in that: said cabinet doors (8) - the main body side and the housing side walls (5) by a side hinge (9 ) hinged on the other side of a cabinet lock (6) and with the case body side wall (¾ the other side by the Cabinet Lock (6) locking.
As claimed in claim 1, wherein the structure of the LED display cabinet, characterized in that: said cabinet doors (8) into the periphery of "U" shape, side walls of said case body (5) and the box Doors (8) at the periphery of the combination of a "U" shape, a "U" shaped cabinet doors (8) respectively, and outside "U" shaped side wall of the case body (¾ vicinity combined into water blocking level and rectangular guide sink.
As claimed in claim 1, wherein the structure of the LED display cabinet, characterized in that: said cabinet doors (8) There is also a power supply (7).
说明 翻译自中文
LED display cabinet structure
TECHNICAL FIELD [0001] The invention relates to the field of LED display technology, and more particularly relates to an LED display cabinet. BACKGROUND ART [0002] At present, the existing LED display cabinet, surrounded by close contact with an adjacent cabinet without cooling space, and the front display module to be heated, the display can only rely on the back of the cabinet door cabinet install a fan or the cooling plate to heat, this heat dissipation under high temperature environment for ensuring outdoor LED display safe operation and long life is not enough, and the fan power consumption, short life. But also to monitor the stable operation of the increase in energy consumption and bring hidden faults; [0003] Existing LED display cabinet waterproof compression depends mainly on cabinet doors and cabinet wall between the sealing strip to achieve the effect of water, but the sealing tape high temperature environment in the long term aging may occur during use and cabinet doors also appear deformed, which will affect the waterproofing effect, making the water effects worse. [0004] With the LED display applications increased pixel density, power consumption increase, increase heat production, the existing LED display cabinet structure is difficult to meet the higher display quality needs to be further enhanced heat dissipation and waterproof. The deficiencies of the prior art for improvement. Content] [utility model [0005] This utility model aims to address the above technical defects, provide an LED display cabinet structure, the LED display cabinet structure to achieve a six faces all have space for heat dissipation, not only increases the cooling surface area, while increasing thermal convection effect, and the water can not enter inside the box, waterproof better. [0006] The technical solution of the utility model as described below: An LED display cabinet structure, including the LED display module, wherein the LED display modules with fixed side leg back, the adjacent two LED display module via the fixed-side pin and link longitudinally fastened fastening assembly connected to said fastening the connecting member is longitudinally and transversely to the connecting member connecting assembly, said connecting member and the case body side walls connected , side walls of said housing body, the fastening member and the upper link, the lower cover connected as a whole, the structure of the LED display cabinet further comprises a box door, the door of the cabinet side and the case body side a hinged side wall, and the other side and the other side of the case body side wall fastening. [0007] According to the above configuration of the present utility model, further characterized in that said display a fixed-side leg "L" shape, said fastening connecting member is "U" shape, said LED display module via two adjacent the "L"-shaped end face of the fixed side of the foot "U" shaped fastening link member connected to the outer end face. [0008] According to the above configuration of the present utility model, further characterized in that said fixed side leg coupling member through the fastening bolt link. [0009] According to the above configuration of the present utility model, further characterized in that said connecting member fitted transversely into "U" shape, which end face longitudinally assembly "U"-shaped fastener into a whole side of the welding . [0010] According to the above configuration of the present utility model, further characterized in that said housing side and the door side of the case body through a side wall of the hinge articulation, the other side of the lock and is provided with a housing and the other side of the case body side wall by locking the lock box. [0011] According to the above configuration of the present utility model, further characterized in that the periphery of said housing door into "U" shape, the body side walls of the cabinet door and the box at the periphery of the combination of a "U" shape said "U" shaped cabinet doors respectively around "U" shaped side wall of the case body around and combined into a rectangular chute blocking water level. [0012] According to the above configuration of the utility model, further characterized in that said housing door is also a power supply. [0013] According to the above structure of the utility model, the beneficial effects of the utility model to achieve the six faces all have space for heat dissipation, not only increases the cooling surface area, while the use of hot air rising in the "U" shaped structure generated of the "chimney" effect, increasing the thermal convection; utility model relies on the structure of the first water tank after blocking water to divert water flow so that flow can not enter inside the box, making the water better, this simple structure, easy to use. BRIEF DESCRIPTION [0014] Figure 1 is a schematic structural view of utility. [0015] In the drawing, 1, LED display module; 2, the fixed side leg; 3, the fastening connecting member; 4, the upper and lower cover; 5, the case body side walls; 6, the lock casing; 7 power supply; 8, cabinet doors; 9, hinge; 10 bolts; 11 connector. [Description of Embodiments] [0016] The following combination of drawings and embodiments of the present utility model be further described: [0017] Figure 1 An LED display cabinet structure, including the LED display module 1, wherein said LED display module a back side with fixed pin 2, pin 2 of the fixed side the "L" shaped structure, said fastening connecting member 3 is "U"-shaped structure assembled longitudinally, said adjacent two LED display module 1 via the "L"-shaped end face of the fixed side of the foot 2 and the "U" Fastening coupling member 3 connected to the outer end of said fixed side leg 2 and the fastening bolt 10 through the connecting member 3 connected. The connecting member 11 is a "U"-shaped configuration transversely assembly, the mounting end and longitudinally "U"-shaped link member 3 is fastened into a whole side of the welding. Said connecting member 11 and the case main body 5 is connected to side walls of said case body side wall 5, the fastening connecting member 3 and the upper and lower cover plates 4 are connected as a whole. The utility model also includes eight cabinet doors, cabinet doors 8 a side of said case body with side walls 5 - Side hinged by hinge 9, on the other side of a cabinet and cabinet lock 6 and the other side of the main body side wall 5 by fastening casing lock 6, 8 of the housing to achieve the cabinet doors opening and closing. Periphery of said housing into a gate 8 "U" shape, said case main body 5 and the casing side walls connected to the periphery to form gate 8 "U" shape, a "U" shape surrounding cabinet doors respectively, and "U "-shaped side wall of the case body into a water-repellent layer around the composition and rectangular chute, chute depth and width greater than the surrounding cabinet doors" U "-shaped configuration around the side walls and the box body" U "-shaped structure is formed after compaction The water-repellent layer gap, and around the chute communicates through flow through the rear housing smaller after water-repellent layer, the water tank into the guide post can be completely discharged automatically, to waterproof effect. The Cabinet Doors 8 also features power supply 7, 8 for the power supply cabinet doors radiating plate 7. [0018] The present invention vertical "U"-shaped fastening member 3 is fastened to the support while the LED display module 1, with the LED display module 1 "L" shaped fastening each side of the leg 2 after the formation of the LED display module assembly group 1 and the box around the body with ventilation space, reaching ventilation effect. Same time as the "L" shaped fastening pin 2 and the vertical edge "U" shaped link member 3 is formed in the upper and lower fastening tubular communicating passage, so that the LED display module 1 generates a flow of hot gas flowing in the pipeline up a "chimney effect away heat, thereby reducing the LED display module 1 on the heat generated inside the box space heating role in the formation of the LED display module 1 and the internal cabinet temperature range for the two, because the box, set up under the cover 4 , and the upper and lower cover 4 is surrounded by "L"-shaped upper portion of the tank flap in the box to fall from the top of the box at the flow of water collected from the tank through the "U"-shaped link member 3 is formed in the fastening tube rows into the box below, to ensure smooth flow and a tank top emission rules. cabinet body side wall 5 and the adjacent cabinet space due to the distance between the two side walls to form cabinet air flow passage, further dissemination Case sidewall heat, reducing cabinet temperature, and the interaction between two adjacent cabinet temperature decreases. cabinet doors 8 above the power supply 7, power supply 7 heat generated by a heat dissipation of cabinet doors 8 directly communicate with the air cooling due to the upper and lower plate 4 and the upper and lower adjacent box also has space distance, the box on the two faces of the same with the next ventilation capabilities. [0019] Figure 1, the present embodiment is a pixel pitch of IOmm (PlO) of 4X4 module housing, the utility model may be applied equally P6, P8, P12, P16, P20 display cabinet, and the mold arranged in groups can be any array structure. [0020] While the present utility model with reference to the embodiments described above, but the art is fully capable of ordinary skill in the clear understanding of the above embodiments are merely to illustrate the present utility model, which may make various changes and in a broad sense and modifications without departing from the present utility model, it is not intended as a limitation of the utility model, as long as the essence of the present utility model within the spirit of the above-described variation of the embodiment, the deformation will fall within the utility new requirements within the scope of protection. |
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Led显示屏箱体结构,Led display cabinet structure patent
Led显示屏箱体结构,Led display cabinet structure
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1.Your contact details
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2.Your led screen information in the application:
- Type of LED screen
Displays for text, images or video
installation type : indoor or outdoor
With various colors or Monochrome
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led screen height
- Type of communication preferred
type of control system simple control system/ advance live video controller
control distance wireless controller( internet/wifi)/ less than 100 meter/less than 400 meters/over 400 meters
- Function or intended purpose
rental or fixed outdoor advertising
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