Wednesday, January 1, 2014



公开号CN201765769 U
专利申请号CN 201020293913
分类 (2), 法律事件 (1)
CN 201765769 U
  1. 一种户外箱体式LED显示屏,包括有箱体、装在箱体内的电源、装在箱体上的显示模组,其特征在于:该显示模组由外到内依次设有面罩固定层、发光杯层、PCB、铝板和封胶层,该PCB上呈阵列状设置有LED,该LED为经固晶、焊线直接设在PCB上的LED芯片。
  2. 2.根据权利要求1所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述PCB还包括有 垂直焊接在其上的控制PCB,该控制PCB上设有控制IC。
  3. 3.根据权利要求2所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述面罩固定层为 呈阵列孔状的黑胶壳,在该面罩固定层上向内设有多个胶柱,该胶柱上底端设有盲孔,该面 罩固定层外侧设有呈阵列且呈半圆形分布的帽沿。
  4. 4.根据权利要求2所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述发光杯层为阵 列孔状的白胶壳,该发光杯层的杯孔为锥形孔,该杯孔与PCB上的LED —一对应设置,在该 发光杯层上向内设有多个与面罩固定层的胶柱对应配合的筒状结构,该筒状结构的底端设 有小孔,该发光杯层周边壁外侧设有防水胶圈。
  5. 5.根据权利要求3或4所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述面罩固定 层的周边壁内侧与发光杯层的周边壁外侧由防水胶圈形成密封连接,面罩固定层的胶柱与 发光杯层的筒状结构形成孔柱配合连接,发光杯层筒状结构的底端设有螺钉,该螺钉穿过 筒状结构底端的小孔,与胶柱的盲孔螺接。
  6. 6.根据权利要求5所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述PCB上对应发 光杯层筒状结构的位置设有与筒状结构配合的孔,该PCB与发光杯层由胶水固化粘接。
  7. 7.根据权利要求5所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述铝板对应发光 杯层筒状结构的位置设有与筒状结构配合的孔,对应控制PCB的位置设有与应控制PCB配 合的孔,该铝板由胶水固化在PCB背面。
  8. 8.根据权利要求3所述的户外箱体式LED显示屏,其特征还在于:所述面罩固定层周 边壁内侧设有定位柱,箱体壁上对应该定位柱的位置设有定位孔,该定位柱与定位孔配合 连接。
[0001] 本实用新型涉及LED显示屏技术领域,更具体的说是涉及一种户外箱体式LED显示屏。
[0002] 目前,现有的户外显示屏一般都采用直插式LED或表面贴装式全彩LED,其生产方 法是:是对采购发光管插入PCB (或贴装)焊接加防水胶密封后装入箱体而成,这种生产工 艺近20年没有大的实质改进,目前依然在广泛使用。存在问题是:直插灯显示屏混色差;表 面贴装式防水及散热效果差,二者很难实现高密度,二者限制了显示屏品质进一步提升,而 且因直插灯、表面贴装灯需要由另一生产厂或车间生产,生产成本较高。
[0003] 本实用新型的目的在于针对现有技术的不足,提供一种新的户外箱体式LED显示 屏,将LED芯片直接封装,不仅能保证发光性能一致、混色均勻,适宜生产高密度显示屏,而 且减少了加工步骤,降低了生产成本。
[0004] 本实用新型是采用如下技术方案来实现上述目的:一种户外箱体式LED显示屏, 包括有箱体、装在箱体内的电源、装在箱体上的显示模组,其特征在于:该显示模组由外到 内依次设有面罩固定层、发光杯层、PCB、铝板和封胶层,该PCB上呈矩阵状设置有LED,该 LED为经固晶、焊线直接设在PCB上的LED芯片。
[0005] 作为上述方案的进一步说明:所述PCB还包括有垂直焊接在其上的控制PCB,该控 制PCB上设有控制IC。
[0006] 所述面罩固定层为呈阵列孔状的黑胶壳,在该面罩固定层上向内设有多个胶柱, 该胶柱上底端设有盲孔,该面罩固定层外侧设有呈阵列且呈半圆形分布的帽沿。
[0007] 所述发光杯层为阵列状的白胶壳,该发光杯层的阵列孔为锥形孔,该阵列孔与PCB 上的LED—一对应设置,在该发光杯层上向内设有多个与面罩固定层的胶柱对应配合的筒 状结构,该筒状结构的底端设有小孔,该发光杯层周边壁外侧设有防水胶圈。
[0008] 所述面罩固定层的周边壁内侧与发光杯层周边壁外侧由防水胶圈成密封连接,面 罩固定层的胶柱与发光杯层的筒状结构形成孔柱配合连接,发光杯层筒状结构的底端设有 螺钉,该螺钉穿过筒状结构底端的小孔,与胶柱的盲孔螺接。
[0009] 所述面罩固定层周边壁内侧设有定位柱,箱体壁上对应该定位柱的位置设有定位 孔,该定位柱与定位孔配合连接。
[0010] 所述PCB上对应发光杯层筒状结构的位置设有与筒状结构配合的孔,该PCB与发 光杯层粘接。
[0011] 所述铝板对应发光杯层筒状结构的位置设有与筒状结构配合的孔,对应控制PCB 的位置设有与控制PCB配合的孔,该铝板用胶水固化在PCB背面。
[0012] 本实用新型采用以上技术方案所能达到的有益效果是:
3[0013] 1.本实用新型直接将LED芯片经固晶、焊线工艺设置在PCB上,不仅节省了直插、 表贴发光管由另一工厂或独立车间的生产费用,而且因生产工艺一致,保证了 LED发光性 能一致,大大提升了显示屏的品质。
[0014] 2.本实用新型的发光杯层与PCB、铝板之间采用胶水固化,而且在面罩固定层与 发光杯层之间设有密封胶圈,在保证防水效果同时,改变了现有显示屏模组由箱体外侧面 安装或维护的传统工艺,实现由箱体内部进行安装和维护,使后期维护变为方便和可行。
[0015] 附图1为本实用新型显示模组的剖视图;
[0016] 附图2为本实用新型结构示意图。
[0017] 附图标记说明:1、面罩固定层;2、发光杯层;3、PCB ;4、铝板;5、封胶层;6、LED芯 片;7、杯孔;8、控制PCB ;9、胶柱;10、筒状结构;11、帽沿;12、防水胶圈;13、箱体;14、定位 柱;15、定位孔;16、电源。
[0018] 为进一步阐述本实用新型结构和功能,以下结合附图和优选的实施例对本实用新 型作详细说明:
[0019] 如图1、2所示,本实用新型是一种户外箱体13式LED显示屏,包括有箱体13、装在 箱体13内的电源16、装在箱体13上的两个显示模组,该显示模组由外到内依次设有面罩固 定层1、发光杯层2、PCB3、铝板4和封胶层5,该PCB3上呈矩阵状设置有LED,该LED为经固 晶、焊线直接设在PCB3上的LED芯片6。PCB3还包括有垂直焊接在其上的控制PCB8,该控 制PCB8上设有控制IC。面罩固定层1为呈阵列孔状的黑胶壳,在该面罩固定层1上向内设 有多个胶柱9,该胶柱9上由底端向外设有盲孔,在该面罩固定层1外侧设有呈阵列且呈半 圆形分布的帽沿11。发光杯层2为阵列孔状的白胶壳,该发光杯层2的阵列孔为锥形孔,该 阵列孔与PCB3上的LED —一对应设置,在该发光杯层2上向内设有多个与面罩固定层1的 胶柱9对应配合的筒状结构10,该筒状结构10的底端设有小孔,该发光杯层2周边壁外侧 设有防水胶圈12。面罩固定层1的周边壁内侧与发光杯层2周边壁外侧由防水胶圈12成 密封连接,面罩固定层1的胶柱9与发光杯层2的筒状结构10形成孔柱配合连接,发光杯 层2筒状结构10的底端设有螺钉,该螺钉穿过筒状结构10底端的小孔,与胶柱9的盲孔螺 接。面罩固定层1周边壁内侧设有定位柱14,该定位柱14与箱体13的定位孔15可以柱孔 配合连接。PCB3上对应发光杯层2筒状结构10的位置设有与筒状结构10配合的孔,铝板 4对应发光杯层2筒状结构10的位置设有与筒状结构10配合的孔,对应控制PCB8的位置 设有与应控制PCB8配合的孔,该铝板4用胶水固化在PCB背面,发光杯层2、PCB3、铝板4、 LED芯片6用胶水固化为整体。
[0020] 本实施例为模组按2X2模组阵列排列结构;也可为模组按2X3、3X3、3X4、 4X4、4X5、5X5、5X6、6X6等阵列组合为单个箱体,多个箱体组合为整体显示屏。
[0021] 本实用新型上述实施例和附图所示仅为本实用新型较佳实施例之一部分,并不能 以此局限本实用新型,在不脱离本实用新型精髓的条件下,本领域技术人员所做的任何变 动,都属本实用新型的保护范围。

Outdoor tank body type LED display screen
CN 201765769 U
The utility model discloses an outdoor tank body type LED display screen, which comprises a tank body, a power supply arranged in the tank body and a display module arranged on the tank body and is characterized in that the display module is sequentially provided with a mask fixed layer, a luminous cup layer, a PCB (printed circuit board), an aluminum plate and a sealing glue layer from outside to inside, wherein LEDs are arranged on the PCB in an array shape and are directly arranged on an LED chip of the PCB through solid crystals and bonding wires. In the LED display screen, the LED chip is directly packaged, thereby not only ensuring the consistent luminous property and the uniform color mixture so as to be appropriate for producing a high-density display screen, but also reducing the processing procedures and lowering the production cost.
权利要求(8)  翻译自中文
  1. Kind of outdoor box-type LED display, including cabinet, installed in the cabinets of power, packed in box on the display module, wherein: the display module from the outside to the inside in turn has a fixed layer mask , light cup layer, PCB, aluminum and sealant layer, which is set on the PCB array form a LED, the LED is a solid-crystal, wire located directly on the PCB LED chips.
  2. (2) as claimed in claim 1, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said PCB further comprises a vertical welded thereon control PCB, the PCB of the control with a control IC.
  3. 3 according to claim 2, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said mask layer is fixed in an array vinyl hole-shaped shell, fixing the mask layer with a plurality of inwardly gum column, the bottom of a blind hole gel column, provided on the outside of the mask layer in an array of fixed and semi-circular brim distribution.
  4. As claimed in claim 2, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said light emitting layer is a cup-shaped hole pattern white plastic shell, the light emitting layer cup cup tapered bore hole, of the cup holes on the PCB LED - a corresponding setting, the light emitting layer cup with a plurality of inwardly mask gel column corresponding to the fixed layer with a tubular structure, the bottom end of the tubular structure has holes, the LED Cup layer surrounding the outer wall of a waterproof apron.
  5. 5 according to claim 3 or 4, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said mask inner peripheral wall of the fixed layer and the light emitting layer of the peripheral wall of the outer cup of the waterproof rubber ring is formed by a sealed connection, mask gel column fixing layer and the light emitting layer is a cylindrical cup-like structure is formed with the connecting hole column, the light emitting layer is a cylindrical cup bottom of the structure with screws which pass through the holes at the bottom of the tubular structure, a blind hole with gel column screwing.
  6. As claimed in claim 5, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said glass layer on the PCB corresponding to the light emitting position of the tubular structure is provided with a tube-like structure with the holes of the PCB and LED Cup layer is made of glue curing adhesive.
  7. As claimed in claim 5, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said aluminum layer corresponding to the light emitting cup position with the cylindrical configuration of the tubular structure with a hole, corresponding to the position of the control PCB design There should be controlled with mating PCB hole, the aluminum plate on the back of the PCB by the glue curing.
  8. As claimed in claim 3, wherein the box-type outdoor LED display, further characterized in that: said mask is provided inside the peripheral wall fixing layer Plungers, housing wall of the column should be positioned positioning holes provided at a position, The positioning column with positioning holes fit connection.
说明  翻译自中文
Kind of outdoor LED Display Cabinet
[0001] The invention relates to the field of LED display technology, and more specifically relates to a box-style outdoor LED display.
[0002] At present, the existing outdoor displays are generally used inline or surface mount LED full color LED, the production method is: Is the procurement luminous tube into PCB (or mount) plus waterproof sealant after welding Load Case is made, this production process nearly 20 years no major substantive improvements, the current is still in widespread use. Problems are: Inline lights display mixed color; surface mount waterproof and heat dissipation effect is poor, difficult to achieve both high-density, two limiting further enhance the quality of the display, but also due to line lights, surface mounted lights required by another factory or workshop production, higher production costs.
[0003] The aim of this practical new technologies for existing deficiencies, to provide a new outdoor box-type LED display, the LED chip package directly, not only to ensure consistent luminescent properties, blending evenly, suitable for the production of high-density display screen, and reducing the processing steps, reducing production costs.
[0004] The utility model is the use of the following technical solution to achieve the above objective: An Outdoor LED Display Cabinet, including the box, mounted in the housing supply, installed in the box on the display module, wherein that: the display module from the outside to the inside in turn has a fixed mask layer, a luminescent layer cups, PCB, aluminum and sealed tube, the PCB is provided with a matrix form on the LED, the LED is a solid-crystal, wire located directly LED chips on the PCB.
[0005] As a further explanation of these options: said PCB further comprises a vertical welded thereon control PCB, the PCB of the control with a control IC.
[0006] Movement of the mask layer is fixed to the hole pattern vinyl-shaped shell, fixing the mask layer with a plurality of inwardly gel column, the bottom of a blind hole gel column, located outside of the mask fixing layer There was an array and semicircular distribution brim.
[0007] array of the light emitting layer is a cup-shaped white plastic shell, the light emitting layer, the hole pattern cup of the tapered hole, the hole pattern on the PCB to correspond to the LED-one, in the light emitting layer to come Cup with a plurality of mask gel column corresponding to the fixed layer with a tubular structure, the bottom end of the cylindrical structure has a hole, the outer peripheral wall of the light emitting layer is a cup waterproof apron.
[0008] The mask inner peripheral wall of the fixed layer and the light emitting from the outer peripheral wall of glass layer waterproof apron into a sealed connection, fixed layer mask gel column with LED Cup layer structure is formed cylindrical bore columns mating connector, LED cup layer the bottom end of the cylindrical structure with screws which pass through the holes at the bottom of the tubular structure, and the blind hole bolt gel column connection.
[0009] wherein the inner peripheral wall of the fixed layer mask with positioning column, pillar box should be positioned on the wall of the location of a positioning hole, the positioning column with positioning holes fit connection.
[0010] Cup of the PCB to the corresponding light emitting structure layer is provided at a position a cylindrical tubular configuration with a hole, the light-emitting glass layer of the PCB bonding.
[0011] The aluminum layer corresponding to a cylindrical cup structure of the light emitting position of the tubular structure with a hole provided at a position corresponding to the control of the control PCB PCB with holes, the aluminum plate with glue solidified in the back of the PCB.
[0012] This utility model using the techniques above scheme can achieve beneficial effects:
3 [0013] 1 The utility model directly to the LED chip by the solid crystal, wire process settings on the PCB, not only saves DIP, SMD LED factory or by another independent workshop production costs, but also due to the production process unanimously, to ensure consistent performance LED light, greatly enhance the display quality.
[0014] (2) The utility model LED Cup layer and the PCB, between the use of aluminum glue curing, but also in the fixed layer and the mask layer is provided between the light-emitting cup sealing gasket, while ensuring the waterproofing effect, changing the existing display screen module from the outer surface of cabinet installation or maintenance of the traditional process, achieved by the installation and maintenance inside the box, so that the latter becomes easy maintenance and viable.
[0015] Figure 1 is a utility sectional view of the display module;
[0016] Figure 2 is a schematic utility model.
[0017] Reference numeral Description: 1, the fixed mask layer; 2, LED Cup layer; 3, PCB; 4, aluminum; 5, sealing layer; 6, LED chips; 7, cup hole; 8, the control PCB; 9 , gel column; 10, tube-like structure; 11, brim; 12, a waterproof apron; 13, box; 14, positioning column; 15, the positioning hole; 16, power supply.
[Description of Embodiments]
[0018] In order to further illustrate the present utility model structure and function, the following accompanying drawings and the preferred embodiments of the utility model described in detail:
[0019] shown in Figure 1,2, the utility model is an outdoor cabinet 13 style LED display, including the box 13 mounted within the housing 13 of the power 16, mounted on the housing 13 on the two a display module, the display module from the outside to the inside in turn has a fixed layer mask, LED Cup layer 2, PCB3, aluminum sealing layer 4 and 5, the PCB3 arranged to form a matrix LED, the LED is through solid crystal, wire directly on PCB3 LED chip 6. PCB3 also includes soldered to the control of its PCB8, PCB8 on the control with a control IC. 1 is fixed to the mask layer in an array of vinyl shell hole shape, fixing the mask layer 1 has a plurality of inwardly gel column 9, the plastic from the bottom of column 9 is a blind hole outwards, fixing the mask the outer layer of a feature in an array and semicircular distribution brim 11. Light-emitting layer 2 cup of white plastic shell hole-shaped array, the array of light-emitting layer 2 cup holes for the tapered hole, the hole array PCB3 on LED - one corresponding to the setting, the light-emitting layer 2 cup inwards with a plurality of fixing the mask layer 1 corresponding gel column 9 with the cylindrical structure 10, the tubular structure 10 has a bottom hole, the light-emitting layer 2 cup outer peripheral wall 12 has a waterproof apron. The mask layer 1 is fixed inside the peripheral wall of the light-emitting layer 2 cup outer peripheral wall of the waterproof rubber ring 12 to seal the connection, fixing the mask layer 1 cup gel column 9 and the light emitting layer 2 is formed of the cylindrical structure 10 with the connecting hole column, light Layer 2 cup bottom end of the cylindrical structure 10 with screws which pass through the bottom of the cylindrical structure 10 holes, with a blind bore gel column 9 is screwed. A peripheral wall of the fixed layer mask inside a positioning column 14, the positioning pins 14 and the housing 13, the positioning hole 15 can post holes fit connection. PCB3 the corresponding light emitting layer 2, the cylindrical cup structure 10 is provided at a position of the tubular structure 10 with a hole, an aluminum plate 4 corresponds to the light emitting layer 2, the cylindrical cup structure 10 is provided at a position of the tubular structure 10 with a hole corresponding to the control PCB8 position and should be controlled PCB8 with a hole in the aluminum plate 4 with glue solidified in the back of the PCB, LED Cup layer 2, PCB3, aluminum 4, LED chip 6 with glue curing as a whole.
[0020] This embodiment is a modular structure according 2X2 modules arranged in an array; also available as a module by 2X3, 3X3, 3X4, 4X4, 4X5, 5X5, 5X6, 6X6, etc. arrays into a single box, multiple cabinet portfolio as a whole display.
[0021] This utility model as shown in the above embodiments and the drawings of the utility model is only part of the preferred embodiment, and can not thus limited the utility model, without departing from the essence of the utility model under the condition of skilled Any changes made, belong to the scope of protection of the utility model.

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SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

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