Wednesday, January 8, 2014


LED - Definition - Auswahlkriterien - Projektplanung
LED, LED-Display, LED Modul, LED Gehäuse, LED DISPLAY KONZEPTE, LED Installation, LED Format [Größe], LED Helligkeitsberechnung, LED Sichtwinkel, LED Pixelgröße, LED Abeleseentfernung, Pixeldichte, Lichtstärke und Helligkeit, LED Farbraum, RGB-LED, SMD oder LED, Außen, Innen ??? ... und viele Fragen mehr

- Was ist beim Kauf eines LED Displays zu beachten?
- Woran kann man sich beim Angebotsvergleich orientieren, kurz,
"Woran kann ich einzelne Angebote unterscheiden und vergleichen?"
"Wie finde ich die richtige LED?"

LED - Definition - Selection Criteria - Project planning
LED, LED display, LED module, LED packages, LED DISPLAY CONCEPTS, LED installation, LED format [Size], LED brightness calculation, LED viewing angle, LED pixel size, LED Abeleseentfernung, pixel density, light intensity and brightness, LED color space, RGB LED, or SMD LED, Outdoor, Indoor? ... and many more questions

- What to consider when buying a LED display?
- How can you be based on comparison of bids, in short,
"How can I distinguish and compare individual offers?"
"How do I find the correct LED?"

Runde LED Anlagen
Auf mehrfachen Kundenwunsch ist es ab sofort möglich LED auch mit bestimmten Radien, wenn notwenig kreisrund, fertigen zu lassen.
Bitte teilen Sie uns Ihre speziellen Anforderungen mit, wir berechnen gerne ein maßgeschneidertes Angebot für Sie.

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SMD LED outdoor display

SMD LED outdoor display
SMD LED outdoor display

Questions before LED display quote

SMD outdoor LED video display global supplier If you need a LED screen quote, please answer carefully the questions below so we can propose you the correct specifications to generate the quote for any LED screen for you isntantly. 1.Your contact details Name: company: email address: telephone number: Nextel: address: 2.Your led screen information in the application: - Type of LED screen Displays for text, images or video installation type : indoor or outdoor With various colors or Monochrome - minimum viewing distance - Approximate size led screen width led screen height - Type of communication preferred type of control system simple control system/ advance live video controller control distance wireless controller( internet/wifi)/ less than 100 meter/less than 400 meters/over 400 meters - Function or intended purpose rental or fixed outdoor advertising Best regards, Sally Peng Oversea Sales Manager Cell: 0086 18898792143 Gmail: Skype/Wechat: sallypwp